Tereza Janíková Gondková


You might be curious why I mostly do french desserts in czech pastry shop.

The reason is simple and obvious but the answer to it is quite difficult. Let me explain it to you. Since Czech Republic was in totalitarian regime for long time during 20th century, we lost the sense for quality of food. During that period, matter of price was more important then quality. All traditional desserts reshaped into plain cheap empty sweets.

All the pastry shops in town stucked in the past. They were still selling these communistic bluffs.

My mom has seen this as an opportunity to start to produce quality products. So she did, she started with cakes. When I was 18, me and my brother took over her business and continued her way.

I went to Paris to learn and when I got back, I knew I won't be doing only czech desserts.

The french pastry is the base for all pastry. I would say it is almost necessary to follow some of their routines to make a good dessert. I have started to use french techniques in our cakes. But after some time it wasn’t enough for me.

I was feeling that we need to progress and create something more sophisticated.

The closest way how to show czech people something from french pastry was eclair because of its choux pastry base. We use choux pastry for our most traditional czech dessert “Větrník”. People really love it so that was easy way how to invite them for eclairs. Since then I have invented many flavours,the best sellers are pistachio and raspberry and hazelnut, chocolate and mascarpone cheese. What I love about french choux pastry is “craquelin” the crunchy layer on the top, that is not used in czech pastry.