Tereza Janíková Gondková

Creative people need some time to sit and do nothing 290×140


Creative people need some time to sit and do nothing

Acrylic and dry pastels on raw canvas

290 cm x 140 cm

Creativity. Creation process. Art. All of these nourish our souls and connect us to each other and to the world around us.

How do you foster these qualities? 

For myself, silence, meditation or just resting in stillness works best. That’s why I love this quote so much. Yes, thank God someone finally said it. More than one OLLIES product or painting was created in meditation. When my being slows down… Gradually, it weeds out outside influences, unnecessary thoughts, feelings of discomfort. There’s only room for the here and now. In this moment, I feel connected to my higher self, which touches something beautiful, powerful, something that transcends us. It is in this merging that I find the most answers and innovation. 

So let us learn to be ourselves. And in doing so, let us encourage our creativity.

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