Do you recognize that some cheesecake is mere MOIST, CREAMY and JUICY and some is NOT? I love the first option and I will teach you how to do it.
Some pastry chefs recommend various different techniques such as baking in water bath and so on, but I choose to do it as simple as possible and I know that the trick is in something else than that… You will agree with me later when your guests will want to have the second slice.
In this recipe we will use the one from Ollies seasonal offer – MANGO-PASSION-COCONUT cheesecake, but you can use any flavouring to achieve the wanted moist result, you only have to know HOW.

For the crust :
Lotus cookies 260 g
Butter 75 g
Flour 55 g
Egg 1/2
Lemon zest (optional)
Mix the ingredients in your kitchen robot till finely combined together. You will know when its done after all of the butter is well incorporated. Use the baking pan (size 24-26 cm in diameter, and it is better to use baking paper on the bottom) and divide the batter in half. Gently press down the first half using your fingers, until the batter is a nice even layer at the bottom of the pan. Preheat the oven for 170 degrees and then bake it for 10 minutes.
Let it cool. After its cooled use the other half to create the edges for the cake. Make them approximately 5 centimeters high.

For the fillings :
Idealy I would recommend you to do the preparation several hours before initiate baking. It is better to have fillings cooled down.
We have 3 MIXTURES to be prepared – mango and passion puree, vanilla ganache and mango chutney
For mango puree :
Mango puree 225 g
Passion fruit puree 125 g
(frozen versions works the best, you can buy them in Makro)
Pectin 9 g
Sugar 30 g
Put both purees into the pot. Combine the sugar and pectin into the separate bowl.
Heat the mixtures of purees, approximately to the 40 degrees. Then you can add the mixture of sugar and pectin and boil to minimum 82 degrees. If you don’t have thermometer boil it for 1-2 minutes. Let it cool in the fridge covered with plastic foil.
For the vanilla ganache :
White chocolate 75 g
Cream 135 g
Vanilla pods (optional amount)
Water 10 g
Gelatin 5 g
Mascarpone 60 g
Prepare the chocolate, water, gelatin (could be leaf or powdered – be careful if you use agar there will be different amount than animal gelatin) and vanilla into the bowl. By vanilla we mean already scraped little seeds from the pod. Then prepare cream and the leftover from vanilla pods to the pot and boil it. After its boiling add the cream to the bowl of the rest of ingredients.
At the end add the mascarpone and mix it with a blender. Let it cool in the fridge covered with plastic.

(the most important part)
Philadelphia cheese 540 g
(or different brand
of cream cheese)
Sour cream 130 g
Egg 2
Sugar 40 g
Our mango puree 300 g
Mix all the ingredients together except for mango puree and only until its well combined, the trick is to NEVER OVERMIX the mixture because you would loose the fluidity after baking. Then you add mango puree by hand and pour the whole mixture in the crust we prepared earlier.
The crucial part is BAKING ITSELF. Every oven is different so maybe you would have to try the recipe more times. Sooorry 🙂 I bake the cheesecake in the oven preheated for 110 degrees and total time is 50 minutes. Then you let it rest to cool down and later on put it to the fridge for several hours. Minimum 6. The mixing and intensity of baking ( degrees and time ) creates the texture. The texture should be delicate, soft, moist and fluid, but not too much so you would be able to cut the cake into 12 pieces.
Assembling of the cake :

Spread the mango chutney.
Then whisk by hand the vanilla ganache for thicker consistency and spread it on the chutney.
For the mango puree use a piping bag and make a circles like you see on the picture. Take a fork and draw a marble effect.
Add the coconut chips.
THERE YOU GO, you have made the BEST MOIST cheesecake you will ever have! 🙂 Be careful while tasting so you won’t eat portion of your guests, its dangerously delicious !